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Statement of adoption of the recommendations of the Independent Review of University Spin-Out Companies

Teesside University's mission is to transform lives and economies and we see the commercialisation of research as a vital contributor to this aim. We have a small portfolio of spin-outs which we have an ambition to grow and welcome the recommendations of the Independent Review of University Spin-Out Companies which encourages innovation and the growth of academic research into commercial prospects.

Our recent recently reviewed Intellectual Property (Staff and Students) Policy supports the findings of the review. However, as part of our ongoing commitment to adopt the Review findings we will:

  • Update our commercialisation guidelines and processes so that they align with the best practice outlined in the Review and those set out in the University Spin-out Investment Terms (USIT) Guide.
  • Promote spin-out as an opportunity for our researchers to secure benefit and impact from their research where it's appropriate.
  • Continue to ensure that spin-outs are always considered as a route for University IP exploitation.
  • Ensure that the share of equity between the founder and the University is appropriate and specific to the new venture.

As our portfolio of spin-outs grows, we will commit to keep under review our approach within the framework of the recommendations of the Review to ensure our approach is consistent with the spirit of the Recommendations and the USIT Guide.

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