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Teachers and advisers



  Speakers into Schools

 Approx 1 hour
 A date and time to suit you
 Face-to-face or online

We know it’s not always possible to bring your students out of the classroom to experience higher education, so we can bring the higher education experience to you. If you would like to arrange a bespoke visit to campus we can extend these talks into longer taster sessions.

Crime, Forensic & Investigative Sciences

A day in the life of a computer digital forensics expert

Students hear from an industry practitioner about career opportunities in this area. We discuss a variety of careers in digital forensics and cybercrime; including working for the police, the private sector, and also being an ethical hacker. Students hear real-world examples and are introduced to Teesside University graduates who are now leading parts of the industry. This session highlights digital forensics as a novel application of computer skills.

Life Sciences

Biological, biomedical science and human biology

These exciting subjects are rapidly changing the way we live. This talk explores how understanding genetic, cellular, organism, ecological and evolutionary biology can be employed to benefit humankind and improve our environment.

Biology solves crime

It’s not all about DNA – the location, recovery and identification of biological material plays an essential part in crime investigation. This session uses case studies to illustrate the contribution that biologists make to forensic investigation.

Climate change, chemistry and your future

Chemists play a central role in finding solutions to climate change by making renewable fuels, capturing CO2 and developing clever new materials to capture sunlight and store electricity. Find out about what chemists are doing to tackle climate change and how, with a career in chemistry, you can contribute to building a sustainable future.

Environmental science and climate change

What controls the complexity of the earth system? From storms to direct man-made impact, students discover the importance of climate change and we explore what scientists are doing to predict, protect and live with our ever changing planet.

Food science, nutrition and technology

How do some foods help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer? Are we making any progress against fighting obesity? How can we best supply healthy food and meet the needs of a growing population? We examine the key areas in food science and look at technological advances in food production.

Life after A-level Chemistry

Find out what chemical scientists do and where a degree in chemistry, biochemistry or pharmaceutical science could take you. We explore the rich variety of careers available to chemical scientists, and discuss the rewards of this exciting profession.

Self-driving cars could change your life

Students are invited to consider a world without road accidents, traffic offences, pollution or engine noise – a place where anyone with a mobile phone could travel wherever and whenever they chose, and without ever taking a driving lesson. We discuss the huge potential of this technology.

The wondrous machine

When did you last notice yourself blink? Why do you enjoy listening to that noisy music? And why did you dream about a giant pink hamster with wings last night? The answer to these questions lies in your brain! In this talk, we'll discuss the most precious and complicated machine known to man, how it operates and what happens when things go wrong.

What the forensic scientists don’t tell you

Forensic science covers a vast expanse of scientific disciplines. This session examines the exciting, challenging and rewarding work of a forensic scientist and the weird, wonderful and unexpected contributions that science can make to solving crime.

Who do you think you are?

A talk about how the human body can be studied to reveal information about you – from your sex, to your age and what you like to eat.

You can run but you can’t hide – investigating murder in the 21st century

An experienced forensic investigator conducts an interactive role play relating to a violent crime. Students play the parts of offender, victim, witness and police officer and are invited to suggest possible actions. We explore motives of offenders and methods of detecting crime. The session concludes with a debate about trials and sentencing. Aspects of the investigation will be illustrated with reference to real-life cases.

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