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Undergraduate study
Engineering & Construction

Mechanical Engineering by Flexible Open Learning HND

This distance learning mechanical engineering HND course is a Teesside University award delivered under licence from Pearson by Teesside University Open Learning.

  • Study at the top North East uni for student experience (Teaching Excellence Framework 2023).

Course overview

Stephen Brown, Teesside University Online Learning

Hear from Stephen Brown and learn more about studying engineering maths with Teesside University online learning in engineering.

The Higher National Diploma (HND) Mechanical Engineering by Flexible Open Learning provides study over a range of disciplines to help you develop skills to progress your career through employment or further education at degree level. The course is for you if you would like to work as a technician/technician engineer in mechanical engineering design, manufacture, maintenance and testing. It has been developed in consultation with local industry, and combines theory and practical work with the focus being on industrial applications.

What does by flexible open learning mean?

  • Open learning – open learning is suitable for those who are unable to attend conventional classroom-based courses. So, if you work on an oil rig in the Caribbean or in pipeline construction in a desert, you can study at your own pace at a location suitable to you.
  • Flexible study – you work at your own pace. But typically, a Higher National Certificate takes between two and three years. You must complete the course within five years and you must do at least two 15-credit modules a year (30 credits in total).
  • Learning resources – we provide the course materials through our e-learning site. You are given user-friendly guides, explanations, self-assessment questions and answers to help your study. If there is practical work involved in a module we loan you a special practical kit to do it at home.
  • Tutor support – you are allocated a tutor for each module. The tutor grades your tutor-marked assessments and provides feedback through the online site. Your tutor is also available to contact by phone, email or (by prior arrangement) in person to help you with any problems that you have with the work.
  • Assessments – you are assessed by a series of in-course tutor-marked assessments. The number of assessments varies across the modules. You complete the assessment and submit your answers through the online site.

Application dates

  • Ongoing

The HND programme is a nationally recognised qualification awarded under licence from Pearson.

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Course details

Course structure

Core level 4 modules

Engineering Design (TUOLE)

You experience the process of carrying out a design project, enabling you to appreciate that design involves harmonising key parameters and blending them into the design solution, and to produce a design report. You look at each stage of the design process including client brief, planning, design specification, design report and evaluation.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Engineering Maths (TUOLE)

You gain the fundamental analytical knowledge and techniques needed to successfully complete the core modules of higher national engineering programmes. The module is intended as a base for the further study of analytical methods and mathematics, needed for more advanced option modules.

You use fundamental algebra, trigonometry, calculus, statistics and probability, for the analysis, modelling and solution of realistic engineering problems at higher national level. 

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Engineering Science (TUOLE)

You are introduced to the fundamental laws and applications of the physical sciences within engineering and how to apply this knowledge to find solutions to a variety of engineering problems.

You cover international system of units, interpreting data, static and dynamic forces, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, material properties and failure, and AC/DC circuit theories.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines (TUOLE)

The majority of the engines used in the world today to generate power or to provide transportation are either gas turbines, steam systems or internal combustion engines, all of which use thermodynamic processes to generate the power required. You are introduced to the principles and laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer and then shown how they can be applied to engineering systems.

You cover system definition, the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and the application of the non-flow and steady flow energy equations using the ideal gas equations and steam tables. You are introduced to the different mechanisms of heat transfer and look at the performance of heat exchangers before concluding with an investigation of heat engine cycles, principally those used in the internal combustion engines.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Managing a Professional Engineering Project (TUOLE)

You look at the approach required to identify the best solution to a specified engineering need. You are introduced to some of the core tools and methodologies available to engineers to maximise their chances of bringing an engineering project to a successful conclusion; meeting the specification, on cost, on time and performed in an ecologically and ethically sound manner. You are guided through the management activities needed to deliver a major engineering project. Rather than considering the details of the design solution, the analysis you undertake relates to the management of the project rather than the detail of the engineering design solution. You consider the duties and responsibilities of a professional engineer working in our society.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Mechanical Principles (TUOLE)

You cover a range of mechanical principles which underpin the design and operation of mechanical engineering systems. It includes aspects related to loading of structures and mechanics of machines. You gain a firm foundation for work in engineering design and a basis for more advanced study.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).


And two optional level 4 modules

Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics (TUOLE)

You gain an understanding of fluid power systems in modern industry by investigating pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams, examining the characteristics of components and equipment, and evaluating the applications of pneumatics and hydraulics.
This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Fluid Mechanics (TUOLE)

You apply the principles of fluid mechanics and the techniques used to predict the behaviour of fluids in engineering applications. You look at the forces exerted by a static fluid on immersed surfaces, viscosity, the flow of fluids through pipelines and around bluff bodies and examines hydraulic machines.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Heat Transfer and Combustion (TUOLE)

You develop knowledge of the principles of heat transfer and combustion and the associated empirical relationships to enable you to solve practical problems and be able to produce a specification for practical engineering equipment.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Materials Engineering (TUOLE)

You gain a basic background knowledge and understanding of the properties, selection, processing, applications and utilisation of engineering materials.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Programmable Logic Controllers (TUOLE)

You investigate how programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and industrial robots can be programmed to successfully implement automated engineering solutions.
You cover PLC system operational characteristics, different types of programming languages, types of robots and cell safety features.

You programme PLCs and robotic manipulators to achieve a set task, describe the types and uses of PLCs and robots available, write simple PLC programs, and program industrial robots with straightforward commands and safety factors.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).


Core level 5 modules

Advanced Mechanical Principles (TUOLE)

A mechanical engineer is required to have an advanced knowledge of most of the machinery used within the engineering industry, and should understand the physical laws that influence their operation. You gain advanced knowledge of the mechanical theories associated with engineering applications.
This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Further Maths (TUOLE)

You are introduced to the concepts necessary for the successful analysis of engineering problems and apply numerical methods relevant to solving advanced mathematical problems arising from engineering and technology.  

You use applications of number theory in practical engineering situations, solve systems of linear equations relevant to engineering applications using matrix methods, approximate solutions of contextualised examples with graphical and numerical methods, and review models of engineering systems using ordinary differential equations.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Professional Engineering Management (TUOLE)

While it is essential that a product or service designed by an engineer delivers the performance required in the specification, it is equally important that it contributes to the economic viability of the company and that all aspects of its lifecycle are managed in a professional manner. You explore how a product or service is designed and supported from a business perspective. You learn how to adopt the Engineering Council’s preferred approach to your development as a professional engineer working in industry.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Project (TUOLE)

You use the knowledge and skills you have developed at work and throughout your course in the definition, management and completion of a work-related project, including the presentation of its findings to an appropriate audience. You integrate the skills and knowledge developed in other modules within a major piece of work that reflects the type of performance expected of a higher technician at work. You can chose a research based rather than work-based topic for your project if you wish.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).


And three optional modules level 5

Control Systems and Automation (TUOLE)

You develop an understanding of basic mechanisms and performance measures used for the implementation and analysis of process control systems that apply across the engineering disciplines.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Plant Services (TUOLE)

You are introduced to the relevant physical and chemical principles for use in the evaluation of the production, distribution and use of each of the common plant services such as steam, air and refrigeration services.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Safety Engineering (TUOLE)

You study the fundamentals of contemporary safety engineering as applied to industrial processes. You cover an introduction to the terminology, the nature and treatment of hazards, hazard analysis, risk assessment, emergency procedures and the application of protective measures associated with various hazards. You gain a firm foundation for work in safety engineering and a basis for more advanced studies of safety practices.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Statistical Process Control (TUOLE)

You gain the knowledge behind and an understanding of statistical process control (SPC). The relationship between SPC and quality control, advantages and limitations of SPC as a quality control tool and essential factors in the introduction of SPC are all included. You use suitable software packages and a variety of industry standard tools such as tally charts and Pareto Analysis. The module concludes with an overview of Six Sigma.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).


Modules offered may vary.


How you learn

You are provided with a self-contained comprehensive study pack for each of the modules. Each module consists of a folder or folders containing a series of lessons grouped into topics. Each lesson has an introduction, your aims, study advice, self-assessment questions and a summary.

It is important that you realise that open learning study requires a considerable degree of self-discipline. You must be prepared to devote both time and effort to studying alongside your other commitments.

Each module is supported through e-learning

How you are assessed

The module leaning outcomes are assessed through tutor marked assignments (TMAs). Some of the units also require practical work - we provide additional software and/or practical kit for this. After you have completed the assessment for a module, your tutor will arrange an exit interview which enables them to authenticate your work and confirm the grade. These interviews can be done in person, by phone or Skype.

TMAs are a means of continuous assessment. They contain a series of questions which can be used to satisfy the learning outcomes of the module. The TMAs for the module are available to download from the module online elearning site.

All completed answers for the TMAs should be submitted through the online site, elearning@tees. Your module tutor will grade your answers and provide feedback through elearning@tees.

Our Disability Services team provide an inclusive and empowering learning environment and have specialist staff to support disabled students access any additional tailored resources needed. If you have a specific learning difficulty, mental health condition, autism, sensory impairment, chronic health condition or any other disability please contact a Disability Services as early as possible.
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Find out more about our course related costs


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

If you are already qualified to HNC level (or equivalent) in an appropriate subject you can use the 'apply online' link on the relevant HND to apply for a place.

If you are topping up your HNC to HND level, the maximum Edexcel registration period to complete this is five years. You are required by the award regulations to successfully complete at least two modules (30 credits) in each year.

If you don't already hold a relevant HNC (or equivalent level) qualification it is essential that you complete your HNC first before progressing onto the HND. This provides you with up to five years to complete your HNC and up to another five years to complete your HND. It is possible to complete your HNC and HND in a much shorter time frame by successfully completing more than two modules a year.

If you decide to study the HND directly without studying the HNC first, we strongly recommend you study the units that encompass the HNC before you study the other modules.

Bridging module
There are bridging modules available. A Level 3 maths bridging module Foundation Mathematics for Engineers.

We don't require references if you are applying to study through open learning.

You must include your qualification certificates when applying.

English language requirements
If English is not your first language and you haven't undertaken your final two years of schooling in English, you must demonstrate capability in English at a standard equivalent to the levels below:

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level B2
  • GCSE English language grade C
  • PTE 51
  • IELTS 5.5 - reading and writing must be at 5.5 (or equivalent).

For general information please see our overview of entry requirements

You can gain considerable knowledge from work, volunteering and life. Under recognition of prior learning (RPL) you may be awarded credit for this which can be credited towards the course you want to study.
Find out more about RPL



Career opportunities

After successfully completing this programme you can progress to an appropriate degree at the University on campus or online.

A Higher National Diploma award opens up the possibility of a career over a wide range of engineering disciplines, for example design, manufacturing and project management.

The qualification provides you with the opportunity to seek career development into senior positions in national and international companies.



Course costs
For a Higher National Certificate (HNC) you study eight modules at £495 for each module. For the Higher National Diploma (HND) you study a maximum of 15 modules, again at £495 each. You usually pay for one module at a time. Some modules are subject to availability.

If you join the course having completed no appropriate HNC modules previously, the total cost of an HNC is currently £3,960 for the eight modules required and an HND is another £3,960 on top of this for the additional seven modules you will need to study. All payments for modules must be made through the Online Shop. The link will be provided in your offer letter.

Supplementary materials
Practical kits - several of the electronic modules require practical work to be done. Teesside University open learning in engineering has developed practical kits to enable you to complete this work at home. If you are studying directly with us you are loaned these kits as required for no extra charge (except for the return postal costs).

Software - some HNC modules require you to use specific software. Wherever possible we use free software that can be downloaded once the module is paid for. For example Business Management Techniques requires Microsoft Project and Engineering Design requires AutoCAD.

Student loans
Home students may be eligible to apply for a student loan using the student finance website - click on ‘apply online for student finance’.

Search for Teesside University and the course title for the month you wish to start your studies and apply for a loan of £990 only to cover the cost of the first two modules. You must not select the maximum allowance option. If you study more than two modules within your year, the University will issue the Student Loans Company with an electronic change of circumstances request for an increase in your tuition fee loan. Please note you must apply each year for your next student loan - for example, if your loan starts in May 2017 you will need to apply again in May 2018 for that year.

When you receive your letter of confirmation from the Student Loans Company, please email it to us at before the start of your course. Please note that the foundation modules (if applicable) are not covered by this loan.

We are an ELCAS provider, provider number 1691.


Learning platform

Our virtual learning environment (VLE) is the platform you use to access your online course


Teesside University online learning courses are delivered through the Brightspace Learning Environment.

Here are some of the benefits.

  • You can use it on your smartphone, tablet and computer.
  • And you can use it anytime, so that you can plan your learning to fit your own schedule.
  • It's easy to use and navigate.
  • Modules are set out by topics and themes. You can use the progress bar to understand where you are in your modules, and appreciate your achievements.
  • We support you to become familiar with your VLE, helping you to start learning quickly.
  • You get feedback, help and guidance from tutors throughout your course through the VLE, and you can ask questions at any time.
  • Our tutors use a live activity feed to keep you updated about your course.
  • You can create a student profile, collaborate with other students and take part in online discussion forums.

Software requirements


Online learning

Online learning allows you to get a university-level qualification from the comfort of your own home or workplace. You'll have access to all of the world-class teaching and support that Teesside University has to offer, but all of your lectures, tutorials and assessments will take place online.

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University of the Year

Teesside University was named University of the Year at the Edufuturists Awards 2022.


  • Not available full-time


2024/25 entry

Fee for all applicants
£3,960 (120 credits)

Not eligible for any fee discounts

More details about our fees

  • Length: 2-5 years
  • Attendance: 100% online
  • Start date: Monthly
  • Semester dates

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  • Student and graduate profiles

    Kieron Paterson

    Kieron PatersonMechanical Engineering by Flexible Open Learning HND

    I work full time as a Site Maintenance Engineer, so I enjoy the flexibility which online learning provides

    Meet Kieron

    Andrew Webster

    Andrew WebsterMechanical Engineering by Flexible Open Learning HND

    I also knew someone who was studying their HNC through Teesside distance learning and they advised that the course material and tutor support was good.

    Meet Andrew


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