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Harassment and bullying

Teesside University offer support to all students who have experienced harassment and bullying at any time of their lives.

We are committed to ensuring all members of our University community are respected and supported in an inclusive, safe environment, feel able to challenge any prejudice and discrimination and know the University will take a zero-tolerance approach to all incidents of harassment and bullying.

You may feel you need support in relation to an incident(s) which happened recently in the past or is happening now. This includes all incidents whether they happened on or off campus, involving another student or anybody else.

What is bullying and harassment?

Bullying can be of a physical, verbal and non-verbal nature; it includes behaviour, which is malicious, intimidating, insulting or offensive. It can take place in person and online and can consist of name-calling, physical assaults and threating behaviour.

Harassment is unwanted physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct that violates a person's dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

Harassment may relate to something of a sexual nature (sexual harassment) or may relate to protected characteristic as outlined in the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

If you were targeted because of your ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability, this may be categorised as a Hate Crime.

If the harassment you are experiencing does not fall into any of these categories, it is still unacceptable and you should still reach out for support.

Harassment can also amount to stalking. This is when the behaviour is:

  • Fixated
  • Obsessive
  • Unwanted
  • Repeated

More about stalking

Cyber bullying

Cyber-bullying is threatening and intimidating behaviour communicated electronically, for example through text message or social media.

I am experiencing harassment and bullying, what should I do?

Harassment and bullying may make you feel isolated, but you should know you're not alone and you are not to blame. Any student who is experiencing harassment or bullying from any individual or group throughout their student journey will have the support of the University in seeking to ensure the harassment or bullying stops.

Remember, you are not alone and there are people and services in the University who are here to support you. By talking to someone about what you are experiencing and how you are feeling you will feel less alone and more able to deal with the situation.

There are various ways in which an individual can deal with harassment including speaking to a Student Adviser, engaging with external services and reporting to the Police. Further information can be found below.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger dial 999.

Support from our Student Advisers

Within Student and Library Services, we have a team of Welfare Advisers who will listen to you, explore your options, and point you in the direction of specialist support; this is led by you so you can choose whether you access recommended support or not.

Our Student Advisers have access to internal services within the university, including academic support; as well as links with external services to ensure you are given the appropriate support and advice.

To access support from our Student Advisers please email

We will ensure you receive the most appropriate support to help you to feel safe and supported throughout your time at University.

We recognise that some students may have accessibility needs when attending an appointment. This includes, but is not limited to, learning, communication and sensory difficulties as well as mobility, visual and hearing impairments. If you would like to discuss any particular requirements, please email in advance of your appointment and we can discuss any adaptations required to meet your individual needs.

Support from outside of the University

It's okay to ask for help from people in your life when you need them. This could be support from friends, family, colleagues, neighbour, or medical professional. There are also specialist services available that can offer you support.

If the harassment and bullying you are experiencing is from a partner or family member, view our Domestic Abuse pages

If the harassment and bullying you are experiencing is related to a hate incident or hate crime, view our Hate Crime pages.

Local Support Services

Victim care and advice
0303 040 1099

National Bullying Helpline

Open 9.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday - 0300 323 0169
National Bullying Helpline

Online Resources

Support outside of office hours

Emergency services

You can contact the emergency services by dialling 999. This number should be used in an emergency for either Police, Ambulance or Fire service.

For a non-emergency response, you can contact the police by dialling 101.

Campus security

Campus security contribute towards ensuring a safe environment for staff, students and visitors. They are based within the University Library and are available 24 hours a day.

You can contact Security on 01642 342086 or in cases of an emergency extension 3200. We would also recommend you download the SafeZone app which allows you to call for help and alerts staff to your situation and location so they can co-ordinate help to you quickly.
Find out more about the campus security team


SHOUT is a free confidential anonymous service for anyone in the UK. Trained volunteers are available 24/7 to listen and support you. To start a conversation text the word SHOUT to 85258.


Samaritans are available 24/7 and provide free confidential support. You can make contact by calling 116 123 for an immediate conversation. Samaritans also offer an email service as some people prefer to write their thoughts down. You can do this by emailing and receive a response within 24 hours.

Reporting to the University

You can report your experience formally to the University under the Student Code of Conduct highlighted by Student Casework Office (SCO). This is a separate process to speaking to our Welfare Advisers and may lead to a formal investigation.
Guide for students, the complaints form and the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure

The Students' Union can provide you with free, independent advice and guidance relating to a student complaint. You are encouraged to seek independent advice from the Students Union before submitting your application form. You can access the Students' Union by visiting or emailing

Reporting to the Police

Bullying and harassment can be a criminal offence. You can report any incident of bullying or harassment to the Police at any time.

Cleveland Police can be contacted via 101 (non-emergency), or if it is an emergency and you could be in danger contact 999.

If you are undecided about reporting to the Police but would like to find out more information, you can contact our Student Advisers who can refer you to our on-campus Police Community Support Officers (PCSO). They will be able to explain the reporting process and answer any questions you may have. To arrange this, please email

Choosing not to report

It is entirely your decision whether you wish to report to the Police or not. You can access support from our Student Advisers regardless of your decision.

Accessing support if you have been accused of harassment and bullying

Support is also available for students who have been accused of harassment and bullying or are subject to the internal disciplinary processes or a Police investigation. You can access wellbeing support from a dedicated member of staff who can assist you in accessing internal and external support services and liaising with departments as needed. If you wish to access this support, please email and identify in the email the type of support you require is due to an accusation made against you, to enable us to put the most appropriate support in place.

I know somebody who is being harassed/ bullied, what do I do?

If someone you know is being harassed or bullied then listen to them, talk to them, so that they feel supported and don't feel alone in their situation. Let them know about the support services available on this page. Be involved in their safety plan. Let them know they can contact you if needed. The University will not tolerate any bullying, harassment, or abuse.

If they are in immediate danger, dial 999.


The Student Welfare and Advice service is a free and confidential service to all Teesside University students meaning, any information you provide us can only be seen by appropriate members of staff involved in helping you access support.

There may be times you wish for your Student Adviser to speak with internal or external services. This would only be done with your informed consent. There are however some exceptions where we have a duty of care to share information without your consent. These situations are detailed below:

  • if you or anyone else is at risk of harm
  • if there is a concern regarding safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults
  • if there is a legal requirement, for example at a court hearing.

Under the General Data Protection Regulations, we are obliged to tell you how we collect and use your personal data. Please note enquiries and appointments with our service are tracked electronically and the personal data of your enquiry is stored in protected files. We keep this data to enable us to track your enquiry and our response for future reference. This personal information will be retained for 7 years after which it will be destroyed securely.

For more information, please refer to the University's General Privacy Notice for students.

Feedback and complaints

If you would like to provide any service feedback or make a complaint about the service you have received, in the first instance please contact

If you would like to make a formal complaint, please refer to the information provided on the Student Casework Office (SCO) complaints page.

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