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Short courses & CPD
Connect, Engage, Inspire

Connect, Engage, Inspire

Aimed at team leaders, new managers and rising stars, this masterclass is all about inclusive and authentic communication skills.


1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm)


Course overview

It is an interactive, one-day workshop that encourages personal reflection and fosters self-confidence, resilience and emotional intelligence.

Whether presenting, networking or making effective contributions in meetings, you are equipped with practical insights to develop your career and help your organisation thrive.

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Where you study

This course will be delivered at our Middlesbrough campus.


Course details

What you study

This course explores:

· communication styles
· presentation skills
· networking guidance
· inclusive leadership
· emotional intelligence.

How you learn

You learn through a mix of teaching, self-reflection and group workshops.

How you are assessed

This course is non-accredited.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

This course is suitable for team leaders, new managers and rising stars.



Career opportunities

This course gives attendees the opportunity to progress in their careers by effectively communicating with confidence, making connections, engaging customers and inspiring teams.



2024/25 entry

Fee for applicants:

a person (no VAT)

  • Length: 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm)
  • Start date: 11 September 2024

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