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Short courses & CPD
Finance for Non-Finance Managers

Finance for Non-Finance Managers

This masterclass provides you with the key foundational concepts of accounting, enabling you to understand your organisation's financial reports, set and manage budgets, manage capital spend, and interpret performance measurement tools used in your organisation.


1 day (9.00am - 5.00pm)


Course overview

If you are in a management role, you need to understand financial terminology such as assets and expenditure, to effectively manage resources, investments and staff teams.

This one-day masterclass provides you with the key foundational concepts of accounting, giving you a better understanding of how it is used in your organisation.

You also get the opportunity to review and discuss organisation-specific reports, supporting you in your day-to-day role while also preparing you for future roles such as director-level positions.

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Where you study

This course will be delivered at our Middlesbrough campus.


Course details

What you study

This CPD session covers the following areas:

· understanding accounting terminology and how it relates to business performance
· profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and cashflow
· interpreting financial reports with ratios
· understanding costs and budgets
· capital investments appraisal (appraising the purchase of long-term assets such as equipment and buildings).

How you learn

On this course you will learn through a mix of teaching, interactive activities, self-reflection, and group workshops.

How you are assessed

This course is non-accredited.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

This course is suitable for professionals in management roles and is particularly relevant for those whose roles require them to make decisions in the use of resources including buying inventory, equipment or managing budgets.



Career opportunities

This session equips you with the ability to manage budgets, use resources effectively, and understand accounting reports and organisational financial performance. These are all valuable skills if you hope to progress to senior management or board-level positions.



2024/25 entry

Fee for applicants:

a person (no VAT)

  • Length: 1 day (9.00am - 5.00pm)
  • Start date: 18 September 2024

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