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Short courses & CPD
Nursing & Health

Principles of Integrated Practice in Cancer and other Long-Term Conditions University Certificate in Professional Development

This module addresses the complex, multidimensional implications for people living with cancer and other long-term conditions (LTCs), and their families.


24 weeks

100% online


Course overview

Designed in recognition of a growing need for accredited education throughout cancer networks, including the Northern Cancer Alliance and Higher Education England. This module links to the multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England (HEE, 2017) and aligns at the appropriate level, with nationally recognised competencies for cancer, to nursing and allied health professionals.

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Course details

What you study

You realise, develop and integrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes mapped to the national competencies for cancer. You gain advanced skills in communication and multi-dimensional assessment (including social support), to anticipate and coordinate self-management and support needs beyond the patient’s current care episode.

These outcomes align with the four pillars of practice identified in the multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England.

How you learn

You are taught online. An initial virtual group tutorial outlines your academic support and the course book, which incorporates a series of ten interactive learning packages addressing subjects relevant to supporting people with cancer and LTC.

The coursebook is interactive with links to reliable and up-to-date resources, empowering you to develop confidence in finding and critically appraising evidence and engage with future independent learning and development. You engage in authentic learning and critically reflect on practice. The coursebook is available through TU Online.

A virtual mid-point group participant event is scheduled to:
- explore solutions together relating to issues
- share learning and reflect on progress.

A virtual end-point group participation event is scheduled to:
- facilitate discussion in preparation for the talking heads video (your final assessment).

The module leader is available to support you when preparing for final assessment.

You liaise with your manager (clinical mentor) to choose a work-based mentor to give you support and facilitation while completing the coursebook. You and your clinical mentor identify your learning needs and opportunities, depending on your experience and the area you work in. The work-based mentor gives feedback on your reflection of learning.

How you are assessed

Assessment includes two components:
- ten completed course book sections with signed reflections of learning and development
-a talking head video presentation lasting up to 15 minutes, to a virtual multidisciplinary team (in the context of disciplines representing your specialty). You select and critically appraises a significant area of learning from the module and make recommendations to improve patient outcomes within your work area. The topic is discussed and agreed beforehand with your clinical mentor and module leader.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

You should be a health and social care professional who has previously studied at level 4, working in any environment with clients/patients who have cancer and other long-term conditions (including patients living with and beyond cancer, palliative, and end-of-life care). With support from your manager, you need to identify a mentor in practice, to support you through the module.


Learning platform

Our virtual learning environment (VLE) is the platform you use to access your online course


Teesside University online learning courses are delivered through the Brightspace Learning Environment.

Here are some of the benefits.

  • You can use it on your smartphone, tablet and computer.
  • And you can use it anytime, so that you can plan your learning to fit your own schedule.
  • It's easy to use and navigate.
  • Modules are set out by topics and themes. You can use the progress bar to understand where you are in your modules, and appreciate your achievements.
  • We support you to become familiar with your VLE, helping you to start learning quickly.
  • You get feedback, help and guidance from tutors throughout your course through the VLE, and you can ask questions at any time.
  • Our tutors use a live activity feed to keep you updated about your course.
  • You can create a student profile, collaborate with other students and take part in online discussion forums.

Software requirements


Online learning

Online learning allows you to get a university-level qualification from the comfort of your own home or workplace. You'll have access to all of the world-class teaching and support that Teesside University has to offer, but all of your lectures, tutorials and assessments will take place online.

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University of the Year

Teesside University was named University of the Year at the Edufuturists Awards 2022.


2024/25 entry

Fee for applicants:

  • Length: 24 weeks
  • 100% online
  • Start date: October
  • Level: Degree

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Service user and carer involvement

Service users and carers support all aspects of our students' lifecycle from recruitment to graduation.

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