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Kane Elgey

BA (Hons) Marketing

Kane is grateful to Teesside University for the opportunities which prepared him for his current job.

My course was excellent and has set me up really well for the beginning of my career.

Kane  Elgey

What brought you to study at Teesside University and what was your course like?

The main reason I chose Teesside University was its location and the availability of the exact course I wanted. I did some research into the North East universities and I really liked the look of Teesside and its marketing degree.

My course was excellent and has set me up really well for the beginning of my career. The first year provided a broad insight into business as a whole. When I first started I remember feeling quite daunted about studying accounting and economics, but I really appreciate the solid foundations that those topics gave me. I also developed quite an interest in economics – this is great as it is something I previously had no interest in.

The classroom environment was really laid back – a great environment to share ideas in. Everyone on my course was really supportive and a great sounding board for assignments.

A particular practical session stands out for me – it involved using a programme which replicated the real world of business. We were split into groups and each group was given a simulated shop. We had to make decisions on what to spend our money on and how to ensure we were successful. This really helped my group work skills but also my strategic thinking.

What was your favourite module?

My favourite module was Digital Marketing Strategy. At the time this module was relatively new but now, a few years later, digital marketing is one of, if not the most, important form of marketing, and a digital marketing strategy is something I am actually building at work at the moment. I really enjoyed this module as it gave me the opportunity to theoretically work on behalf of some major brands to build a digital strategy for them.

What was the best thing about your course?

The best thing about my course was the opportunities it offered me and the chance it gave me to work in the real world alongside my studies. In my second year, a guest lecturer visited from RAW Digital Training, a local marketing company to deliver a lecture on social media marketing. A couple of days later my lecturer mentioned that the guest lecturer needed a hand for a week as her marketing assistant was off ill. I volunteered alongside two others to help out during the week. This led to me interning at RAW Digital Training for a year during my second and third year.

How have you benefited from the University’s support services?

Teesside University continued to do great things for me after I graduated. I am in my second job since graduating and Teesside University has supported me in both jobs through a great graduate scheme. In my first role at Sound Training, the University contributed to my salary for my first year. In my second role at Biochemica Group Ltd the University went one step further and supported me with a 12 month training programme with a Newcastle based marketing agency. This helped me develop so much and has made me feel more confident in my role.

I’m so grateful for the opportunities that Teesside University has given me. Without the University there is no way I would be where I am today.

What have you done since graduating and what are you doing now?

After graduating I worked for as a marketing assistant at Sound Training – a literacy intervention programme for schools, prisons and adult education. In the first 12 months of employment I developed so much – it was a bit like when you pass your driving test, you know what to do but that first week of driving on your own is when you really become a driver.

My current role is marketing assistant at Biochemica Group. I’ve really flourished in this role. I report to the managing director and sales manager and hold monthly marketing meetings to update them on my work. I have built the first marketing strategy for the company with the help of Horizonworks (my training partner provided by Teesside University) and I’ve helped the business to win the NEPIC Small Business of the Year award and be shortlisted for Company of the Year at the North East Business Awards. The first six months has been amazing but I am so excited for what the future holds.

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