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Yngvill Hopen

MA Concept Art for Games and Animation

Yngvill's time at Teesside led to her setting up a company with her fellow students.

My time at Teesside made me more confident in my work. It got me started with my contact network, which has been invaluable in the process of getting to where I am now.

Yngvill Hopen

What was your course like?

My course was fantastic. All topics were equally enjoyable, and provided insight and practical experience in a wide variety of techniques and approaches. I was forced to look at challenges from new angles and this really helped me grow as an artist.

What was the best thing about your course?

I found the small size of our class to be very positive. Everyone became very close and we frequently met up outside of the classroom. Visits from industry professionals were very inspiring, and the assignments and feedback they gave us were highly valuable for progression.

I enjoyed the freedom we were given within the assignments. We were given room for a very personal approach to each challenge, and I believe this helped push everyone just a little bit further. Our lecturers were open to having their minds changed, which I think is a very valuable skill for a teacher.

Did you do any work experience?

I did freelance work alongside studying, which was quite stressful as it meant double the work load. Our lecturers, recognizing that this kind of work was the reason we studied in the first place, gave me the freedom and flexibility I needed to be able to complete both my studies and my work. I'm incredibly grateful for that.

The Animex festival provided a unique opportunity to network with leading industry professionals and get feedback on my portfolio. Some of the people I've met through Animex have become very dear friends of mine. They have, in many cases, been direct influences on the direction and progression of my career, and of my company. It's also just a very enjoyable event. I love coming back to see all the great talks, and to meet some of my returning friends.

What have you done since graduating?

After graduation, I started my company with seven other students. I'm still running that company and we're busy working on a variety of in-house projects and commissions.

Did your time at Teesside University help you to achieve your goals?

My time at Teesside made me more confident in my work. It got me started with my contact network, which has been invaluable in the process of getting to where I am now.

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