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Undergraduate study

Our students

Lisa Sopekan

BA (Hons) Fine Art

As a mature student Lisa swapped accountancy to the world of fine art. Read on to find out about her experiences

I have been given the freedom to follow my own path whilst having support and advice from tutors.

Lisa Sopekan

Why Teesside?

After many years working in accountancy I wanted a change and to do something more creative. I chose Teesside because as a mature student with two young children living in Darlington, I needed somewhere that would be convenient for family life.

Why fine art?

I chose Fine Art as I have always had a creative side and enjoyed painting but wanted to develop my skills and explore all elements of the course.

How have you found the course?

I particularly enjoyed the studio modules and developing my personal practice. I have been given the space and freedom to follow my path whilst always having support and advice from tutors. I have also enjoyed participating in the numerous workshops available and learning new skills such as printmaking methods and bookmaking. Having the opportunity to exhibit my work at MIMA and Pineapple Black were also highlights.

What did you make of the campus?

I love reading and learning and have spent a lot of time in the library and utilising the extensive range on offer. The library has often been my sanctuary, a great resource for research and a quiet space for working.

What does the future hold?

I hope to continue to develop my practice as an artist and also to work within the arts and health field as I am interested in the link between creativity and health and wellbeing.

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