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Victor Osariakhi Obazee

MSc Crime Intelligence and Data Analytics

The school and its lecturers are top-notch at imparting knowledge, and Teesside has the environment and infrastructure to facilitate a positive student experience.

Victor Osariakhi Obazee

Tell us why you decided to go to university and why you chose Teesside?

I wanted to pursue a second MSc university degree to gain extensive knowledge and specialised skills in my chosen field. This knowledge would help me advance in my career and enrich me personally. I chose Teesside University due to its location, the course, and its module content.

I received a lot of positive recommendations about Teesside University from my friends and two elder brothers who were university students at the time. All the good things they had mentioned about the University before joining were confirmed when I joined. These good things include an excellent infrastructure and a conducive study environment with great lecture theatres, screens, and access to computer systems. The staff-student relationship at the University is fantastic for knowledge sharing and transfer. Furthermore, the learning environment is multicultural, which is very beneficial.

Why did you choose your subject?

After completing my MSc degree in Peace Security Studies and Conflict Resolution, which was intended to boost my career as a human trafficking crime investigator and data analyst, I still desired a more specialised and in-depth degree. Therefore, when I arrived in the UK, I pursued an MSc in Crime Intelligence and Data Analytics.

What do you like most about your course and why? Are there any modules which you really enjoy?

The teaching style of the course was really practical. You could apply what you had learned and having the necessary equipment and software made it even better. It's one thing to have theoretical knowledge about certain skills, but it's often difficult to test that knowledge for various reasons. However, this course and the university provided the opportunity to apply what I learned. The course also had an option for a placement , which allowed me to gain an extra skill set in software testing. This was a great opportunity and I'm glad I took it.

I did enjoy all the modules but Coding for Intelligence Analysts and Crime Science Theories Principles and Intelligence Sources) stood out for me, due to their content and the lecturer who is an excellent instructor.

What do you think about the campus and the services offered (Careers, Students’ Union, The Library)?

Teesside University has the student experience at heart, which is evident in the technology access. The University has a state-of-the-art library located in the centre of campus, which is perfect. The library environment is purpose-built for various learning styles, including silent or collaborative study. The staff are on point, and the referencing and signposting within the library are flawless. Having a dedicated postgraduate space, the Buttery has been very useful for my studies.

What are the differences between studying in your Home country compared to studying in the UK?

There are noticeable differences between studying in my home country and studying in the UK. The most prominent differences include infrastructural and technological limitations in my home country, which studying in the UK has overcome. Additionally, courses take longer to complete in my home country due to various factors, whereas in the UK, one can be sure of their course end date. Studying in the UK offers exposure and better prospects, including internationally recognized qualifications. The UK curriculum is more content-specific.

Are you a member of any clubs or societies, a course rep or student ambassador?

I had the privilege of serving as a Course Representative, and it has been a valuable experience for me. During my tenure, I was able to assist many of my course mates with various tasks. Being a Course Rep also allowed me to log my time spent as volunteering hours, which could be used to enhance my CV.

Have you worked on any projects with businesses or been on a placement? If yes, tell us more about it.

I completed a placement and it was a valuable experience. The placement provided me the opportunity to undergo training in software testing including reviewing testing protocols, developing testing plans and conducting testing to validate software functionality and performance.

What skills/experience have you gained at Teesside that you feel will help you in your chosen career?

I have gained and further developed on existing skills, which include but not limited to the following:

Organisational Skills
Research and Innovation skill
Decision making skill
Time management skill
Interpersonal relationship skill
Communication skill (Oral and Written)
Technical skills
Critical thinking skill
All of which will assist me on my career path.

I have gained and further developed on existing skills, including organisational, research and innovation, decision making, time management, interpersonal relationship, communication, technical and critical thinking skills. All of which will assist me on my career path.

What are your ambitions for the future?

With the skills I had and now further sharpened, I hope to go back to my home country and make enormous impact to my organisation with my job as an investigator and intelligence analyst. Alternatively, if I decide to remain in the UK for a while, I intend to secure a job within law enforcement with the relevant skills and qualifications secured.

I am interested in roles such as Crime Intelligence Officer, Analyst, Crime Investigator, Data Analyst, etc. within law enforcement agencies abroad, as well as the National Crime Agency (NCA), Home Office, Immigration Enforcement, or Border Force.

Would you recommend Teesside University and your course?

I recommend Teesside University to anyone interested in Higher Education. The school and its lecturers are top-notch at imparting knowledge, and Teesside has the environment and infrastructure to facilitate a positive student experience.

Teesside has and is committed to developing a good study environment. It has good lecturer and student engagement, and a personal tutor scheme, tailored to the student which helps you to get the most out of your studies.

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