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International students

Our students

Tan Huey En Joyce

BA (Hons) Fashion

The university's location is ideal for me; it’s in a town, so it is quieter compared to cities. I enjoy the nature around Teesside.

Tan Huey En Joyce

Tell us why you decided to go to university and why you chose Teesside?

I wanted to go to university because I wanted to obtain a qualification in fashion. University can help me gain in-depth knowledge of the subject, provide new opportunities and challenges, and allow me to meet new people from different backgrounds.

I chose Teesside University because the recruitment representative I talked to was very friendly and welcoming, leaving a lasting positive impression. The university's location is ideal for me; it’s in a town, so it is quieter compared to cities. I enjoy the nature around Teesside. It is also very convenient to travel to other places across the UK, such as York and Whitby.

Why did you choose your subject?

I chose to study fashion because I like clothes and I feel it is a form of self-expression. Fashion is a form of art that allows creatives to express their thoughts and feelings and to go beyond their creativity.

What do you like most about your course and why? Are there any modules which you really enjoy?

My degree is in fashion design, but my course modules are broad and allow me to experiment. For example, I enjoy textile design, so I can explore textiles alongside designing and constructing garments. It helps enhance my skills and knowledge of different methods within the fashion industry. Currently, I am incorporating textile designs into my final collection, which will be showcased at the graduate fashion show.

I also like that we are a small group, and I feel this has helped me learn a lot more; we have more contact with the technicians and lecturers. Another benefit of being in such a small group is that I get to mix with everyone from my class, and I enjoy it!

What do you think about the campus and the services offered (Careers, Students’ Union, The Library)?

I think the campus is big but it is easy to get around since buildings are all located close to one another. I also like how it is easy to reach out to different departments as they are located just at one building, which is the Student Life Building. I feel the SafeZone App made me feel safe around campus especially when I'm working till late.

What are the differences between studying in your Home country compared to studying in the UK?

The biggest difference between studying at home and studying here in the UK is that [at home] there is a limitation in expressing one's own ideas and creativity. The UK is more flexible, and there is freedom to create something unique. There are also more opportunities available in the UK for internships, volunteering, etc., as fashion is more valued here.

Are you a member of any clubs or societies, a course rep or student ambassador?

I am one of the School Representative for the School of Arts & Creative Industries and I am also the Vice Chair for Membership for the Fashion Society.

Have you worked on any projects with businesses or been on a placement?

In September 2022, I undertook a placement year in London with Suzie Turner Couture as an Embroidery and Embellishment Intern, and Design and Pattern-Cutting Intern with OneOffLondon.

Through university, I gained digital skills such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustration, which are accredited. All of this will help me with my employability skills.

What skills/experience have you gained at Teesside that you feel will help you in your chosen career?

I developed new knowledge and skills in designing and constructing garments, which helped me drastically when I entered the fashion industry. The school is also very up-to-date on new software in the industry, such as CLO3D. I got into a remote internship in Year 2 with a sustainable fashion company based in Amsterdam because of my knowledge of this software.

I participated in an external project by creating diagrams on producing sustainable products. I worked with another student from my class and my lecturer on this project, which was showcased at the MIMA Art Gallery. I feel this opportunity allowed me to strengthen my digital skills and understand the sustainable product manufacturing process.

What are your ambitions for the future?

I would like to work towards the technical aspect in the fashion industry for few years before starting my own brand.

Would you recommend Teesside University and your course?

I would recommend Teesside. Its calm and soothing environment makes it a great place to study. The people are also very friendly, which makes it less intimidating, especially for international students. Support is always available to students.

I recommend my course because it is flexible and broad. You can learn about a variety of aspects in the fashion industry, from designing to styling to podcasting.

What advice would you offer to students thinking of coming to study here?

Keep an open mind and grab any opportunities available.

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