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Leading industrial academic launches Teesside's B2B Manufacturing Centre

17 September 2003


The official opening of the B2B Manufacturing Centre, held recently at the University of Teesside, was presided over by prominent industrial academic Sir Kumar Bhattacharyya CBE, Head of the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick. Also participating in the opening were Dr John Bridge, Chair of Regional Development Agency One NorthEast and the University of Teesside's Vice Chancellor, Professor Graham Henderson.

An audience of over 120 invited guests representing the region's industrial infrastructure were provided with a vision of the B2B Manufacturing Centre's role in the delivery of a strategy that is seeking to revitalise the region's manufacturing base. In a keynote speech that paid tribute to the North East's past contribution to the development of a vibrant UK manufacturing and engineering sector, Sir Kumar highlighted the need to develop strategic partnerships between firms, the providers of technology and skills and government. In particular, he focussed on the importance of information technology. "I am convinced that many of the difficulties that surround effective collaboration and partnership can be eliminated with the use of information technology," said Sir Kumar. "What firms need is a neutral safe environment in which research on particular applications can be explored and can then be tested without taking huge risks. "This is the kind of environment that is offered by the B2B Manufacturing Centre at Teesside, enabling firms to explore this new world of information technologies and their applications in manufacturing at very low risk. "I am delighted to be involved in developing the new B2B manufacturing Centre here at the University of Teesside with the support of One NorthEast. It will be a key resource for manufacturing industry in the North East. I believe that just as the North East was a pioneering region in engineering and manufacturing in the past, it can be again in the future."

In his address, Dr John Bridge said: "The National B2B centre established at the University of Warwick is widely recognised for its work in helping business meet the challenges of new technologies and advances. The new Teesside resource - which is based on this national model - will provide North East manufacturers with ways to re-engineer their operations, identify areas where innovation can be introduced and better equip them to compete globally." B2B Centre Manager Brian Burgess said: "The B2B Manufacturing Centre will also provide appropriate 'incubation' support to relevant start-up businesses, enabling them to exploit new ideas for B2B products and services. "These businesses will benefit from the development and test facilities and the skills and resources available at both the Teesside and Warwick Centres. This will enable them to develop their offerings and to grow into solid businesses with high growth potential."

For further information, contact Brian Burgess at the B2B Manufacturing Centre, School of Science and Technology, University of Teesside, Borough Road, Middlesbrough TS1 3BA, tel 01642 384444 Fax 01642 342944 or email Website:

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