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Free radio courses at Teesside

03 October 2003


The University of Teesside is hosting a free radio production course based around Captain Cook.

The course will teach people the basics of radio production (e.g. interview skills, research) in order to create a 10 minute package based around the visit of the replica of Captain Cook’s ‘Endeavour’ to Middlesbrough.

The courses run from Wednesday 15 October to Wednesday 12 November, 10am - 5pm.

Radio professional Geoff Sargieson will lead the course. With a huge amount of experience including reporting, producing, presenting and editing, Geoff has worked for BBC and commercial radio, both locally and nationally.

To find out more, contact Wendy Sanderson at the University of Teesside on 01642 384427 or e-mail to book a place.

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