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Engineering career opportunities

07 September 2005


The University of Teesside is announcing the introduction of a unique development scheme for working engineers.

The High Level Training for Engineers (HILT) course is run during the evenings, starting in late-September, and offers engineers the opportunity to study up to six subjects. The successful completion of any three modules will see the student earn a University Certificate in Professional Development.

The modules available are:

CAD/CAM & 3D Modelling – students will explore a range of digital manufacturing techniques;

Computer Modelling of Piping & Plant – using a computer to design and assemble plant equipment;

Collaborative Product Development – examining product design and manufacture, and product lifecycles;

Total Productive Management - the principle of managing the overall manufacturing process, including training, plant/machinery maintenance and working practices, will be applied to the student’s workplace;

Enterprise Resource Planning – students will examine changes in organisational structure, technologies and business culture and the benefits of improving enterprise resources;

Quality and Supply Chain Management – an exploration of all aspect so the supply chain including quality systems, value, information and logistics.

Course leader Dr Ahmed Abbas said: “These modules can make a real difference to both employers and employees. Staff members can take advantage of the innovative programmes to continue learning and developing their skills. They also lead to a recognised qualification, which can look good on their CV. One of the main benefits for employers, is that the courses take place in the evenings, meaning that time at work is not missed. Usually this kind of specialist training requires staff having to be sent on courses for days at a time, costing a lot of money and causing disruption in the workplace. Our HILT courses are the ideal solution.”

Each module costs £140. This has been made possible due to generous sponsorship by the Learning & Skills Council.

For more information call 01642 342481, email or visit

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