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University project highlights Tourette syndrome

14 August 2006


The medical condition Tourette syndrome is in the headlines, due to the Channel 4 hit programme Big Brother. Pete Bennett, one of the programme’s finalists and current bookie’s favourite to win this Friday, is affected by Tourettes. Millions of viewers have seen how he deals with the condition each day, and heard him describe its effects on his childhood and teenage years.

University of Teesside graduate Sarah MacKenzie has produced a campaign to raise awareness of Tourettes, as part of her final-year project. Sarah has achieved a BA (Hons) degree in Graphic Design and submitted her campaign to the Tourette Syndrome (UK) Association, who are considering her ideas and designs.

Sarah, 22, from Acklam, Middlesbrough, devised her campaign before the start of this year’s Big Brother. Sarah said: “I’d seen some programmes about people affected by Tourettes, including Tourettes Camp. They intrigued me; I wondered why people behaved in this way? Some people call it the swearing disease. However, as I researched into the condition I found out that less than 30 per cent of people affected by Tourettes have the swearing tic, known as Coprolalia. There are other symptoms such as sniffing, grunting or making animal sounds.”

Sarah’s campaign is aimed at the general public. It includes posters clearly listing the symptoms, coasters, a t-shirt. In addition, there is an information booklet for people newly diagnosed with Tourettes and their friends and family. Unusually, the campaign also includes a balloon.

Sarah explained: “The ticks that some people with Tourettes display is due to a pressure release. So the balloon is demonstrating that release. If the campaign is taken up, I’d like to see it on billboards, bus shelters, anywhere and everywhere to get as much awareness as possible. I’d like people to understand why people affected by Tourettes have certain symptoms, that they can’t help it.

“When I first heard a person affected by Tourettes was going to be on Big Brother, I didn’t think it would be the right thing to do. From what I’ve seen of the programme, though, I was wrong. I think the programme makers have treated Pete sympathetically, he’s a likeable person who is raising awareness of the condition.”

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