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Thousands of pounds raised by student volunteers

14 April 2009


Student volunteers have been hailed for their fantastic achievement in raising more than £11,000 for charity during a week-long fundraising blitz.

Dozens of our students took part in a range of activities during the annual Raise and Give (RAG) week to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

RAG Week ran from Monday 16 March to Saturday 21 March and netted just over £11,000.

It saw students collecting money around Middlesbrough and urging people to give generously.

There was also a pub crawl, a celebrity memorabilia auction, a film night and netball tournament involving members of various sports clubs taking on the Students’ Union netball team.

Words of praise for all who helped out Nat Broom, Student Activities Officer, said she was proud of all the students who gave up their time to raise money for charity.

She added: ‘It’s a fantastic figure and testament to the commitment, dedication and creativity of the students who volunteer for our Raise and Give team.

‘I’m so proud of everyone who took part and I’ve no doubt it will be a fantastic donation for Cancer Research UK.’

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