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University's sports league teams up with new sponsor

16 January 2012


Teesside’s University’s student sports league is being sponsored for the first time.

Intra Mural Sport (IMS) is a programme of weekly recreational sport leagues within the University. Students and staff of all sporting abilities are encouraged to participate in the leagues by forming teams from departments, halls, courses or academic schools.

Now the league has a sponsorship deal with the Cable Guys UK. As part of the agreement, banners will displayed on the Olympia pitches throughout the year and information posted on notice boards around the sports facilities.

Pip Bell, Sports Development Officer, said: “We’re delighted to be working with the Cable Guys UK on the project as it will enable us to enhance the quality of the leagues we provide for students, which is a really important ambition of ours.”

She added: “As part of the sponsorship, we also mention the company on any Facebook or Twitter activity and their logo is on the referees’ kits. It’s going really well. “

Ken McGregor, of the Cable Guys UK, said: “To be able to sponsor the Cable Guys UK league is a great opportunity for us to get our brand out there to the staff and students of Teesside University.”

Rob Kushnirenko, also of the Cable Guys UK, added, “The whole region is proud of the University and for us to be able to say that we are the first business to sponsor the intramural leagues is a real boost for us and our identity in the town.”

The Cable Guys UK have retail premises in Middlesbrough’s Dundas Arcade where they offer PC and laptop peripherals and a wide range of computer, audio and video cables, all carrying a lifetime guarantee.

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