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Graduating from Teesside University in Darlington

06 February 2014


Successful students and their guests are due to gather on Saturday 8 February to celebrate their academic achievements in a joint Teesside University and Darlington College graduation ceremony.

The students achieved their academic awards at the University’s Centre within Darlington College. The diverse awards range from degrees in education studies, to business management to foundation degrees in hospitality management, journalism and computing. In addition, some graduates will be awarded Darlington College Higher Level professional qualifications.

Attending the ceremony will be Teesside University’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Graham Henderson CBE DL and Darlington College’s Principal Tim Grant, along with Darlington Mayor Councillor Charles Johnson. Speaking ahead of the ceremony, Professor Henderson said: 'We are very much looking forward to our graduates and their guests celebrating their achievements.

'Our graduates work hard to achieve their success and I am very much looking forward to congratulating them and also paying tribute to their families, partners and friends for the vital support they have offered.'

Tim Grant, Principal of Darlington College, added: 'The students' success is testament to the special relationship we have with the University and our shared commitment and vision to the town of Darlington, the economy and future generations of students.'

Academic Alan’s successful return to education

A change of career following redundancy led Alan Walsh of Darlington to return to education.

Alan, 53, a professional tutor at Darlington College, studied part-time to complete the Professional Graduate Certificate in Education in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector.

He said: 'I was studying at Hartlepool College when the recession bit and I was made redundant from my role as a general manager in the logistics industry.

'I was then offered the chance to work at Hartlepool College as an NVQ assessor. I liked the role and decided to continue on to get an MBA, with the intention of moving into teaching as a new career.'

Alan completed the MBA in 2010 and went on to complete the PGCE in 2013. He is now continuing his learning with further study.

'I am now studying a UCPD in numeracy which will allow me to teach numeracy and maths,' said Alan. 'I feel it's important to continue learning as had I not studied, I would not now have a job. I enjoy learning and feel that it helps to keep me mentally active. It also helps to inflation-proof my skills.'

He added: 'Combining work with study was difficult. I have four children aged from eight to nineteen who take up most of my free time. Most of my studying was done between 10pm and 1am.'

Alan, who returned to education for professional and personal development, said: 'I was really impressed with Teesside University tuition and tutors. Both courses, the MBA and PGCE, were academically demanding but of real practical use.'

He added: 'As a lecturer studying myself, returning to study also helped me to feel more empathy with my own students.

'What I enjoyed about the PGCE were the debates and reflection on teaching practice. There was a real mix of ages and backgrounds and I’m really looking forward to meeting people from the course again at the graduation ceremony.'

Alan added: 'I am pleased Teesside University has a facility in Darlington, which really helped me and has also helped me to encourage others to go into further education and then on to higher education.'

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