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Postgraduate study

Student views

Joseph Sebastian Attram

MSc International Management (Marketing Management) (Applied)

Teesside is innovative with excellent teaching, and a diverse culture putting students at the heart of everything.

Joseph Sebastian Attram

Why Teesside?

I wanted to further my studies and broaden my horizons. I chose Teesside because of the teaching excellence rating, the quality of education, the creative and virtual learning environment, and the cultural diversity. The tuition fees and flexible terms of payment made studying affordable.

Why international marketing management?

I aspire to become a marketing analyst. I want to develop my knowledge of marketing strategies, and strengthen my ability to work independently and as a member of a team. I also want to broaden my network and learn new and innovative ideas from business experts.

Best thing about your course?

The advance practice route included a work placement. I gained valuable practical experience and had the opportunity to meet experienced practitioners and learn from them. The modules I enjoyed most are Strategic Marketing in Practice, Global Business Environment Culture and Economy, Managing in a Challenging Environment and Developing Self and Others.

What do you think about the campus?

Teesside has the most creative and beautiful buildings. The campus is in the centre of Middlesbrough and is very close to the shopping malls. There are great transport links too. The University offers incredible services, especially the Student Life team, who are really helpful.

What skills have you gained at Teesside that help you in your chosen career?

I have gained skills in analytics, presentation, IT, problem solving, leadership and negotiation. I have also sharpened my skills in research and communications.

Would you recommend Teesside University and your course?

Definitely. Teesside is innovative with excellent teaching, and a diverse culture putting students at the heart of everything.

What advice would you offer to students thinking of coming to study here?

Come and experience our Adobe Creative Campus with great facilities like, the Gym, Student Life, the Library and Teesside International Business School.

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