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Postgraduate study

Student views

Dinushika Thamali

MSc International Business Management and Accountancy (Applied)

Dinushika chose to study this course as it covers strategic and international business management, as well as relevant finance and accounting subjects.

This combination appealed to me as it aligns perfectly with my career aspirations.

Dinushika Thamali

Why Teesside?

I believe in the value of learning and personal growth. University not only offers academic knowledge but also opportunities for personal development, networking and exploring personal interests. Having a master’s degree can open doors to better career prospects and higher earning potential.

Teesside has a strong reputation, and the course aligns with my interests and career goals. The University is also a top choice among international students and was one of the wisest decisions I have made so far.

Why this course?

I chose this programme because it blends theoretical exploration with practical applications. The curriculum covers strategic and international business management alongside relevant finance and accounting subjects. This combination of management and accounting appealed to me as it aligns perfectly with my career aspirations.

Best thing about this course?

There was a series of seminars incorporated into some modules that prepared us for post-graduation job opportunities, and introduced us to professional courses in the finance and accounting field. I also participated in the Business School’s accounting conferences, where I gained insights into my next career steps and had the opportunity to network with industry professionals.

Tell us about the support services available.

Teesside University is committed to student success. There is a range of support services available, including academic and personal support. The team at Student Futures provided me with valuable insights when applying for a job and I was encouraged to build an outstanding CV that impressed interviewers. I also made full use of the Library and the Buttery; both are peaceful environments, perfect for studying.

Are you a part of any extracurricular activities?

I am proud to volunteer at Volun-tees, contributing over 50 hours and recently receiving an award. I also serve as a course rep, pass leader and tutor at Learning by Heart, an online tutoring company. Participating in voluntary events organised by the University has been one of the most rewarding experiences during my time here.

I am also a member of the Postgraduate Society, Sri Lankan Society and dancing club.

Tell us about the local area.

Teesside University's presence has significantly enriched the Middlesbrough area, extending a warm welcome to students from near and far. Middlesbrough offers a vibrant student scene full of cafes, bars, and restaurants. There are also events and festivals throughout the year, providing ample opportunities to immerse yourself in the local culture and expand your social circle.

Middlesbrough also boasts a relatively affordable cost of living compared to larger cities, making it an attractive option for students on a budget.

Tell us about your internship.

I recently completed the Advanced Practice module as part of my master's programme – a fantastic opportunity for me as an international student. When I was partway through this module, I began seeking internship opportunities and I received tremendous support from Student Futures in crafting my CV.

I attended several interviews and received offers from two organisations. Ultimately, I chose Goodwill Healthcare Services Limited for my internship. This experience provided me with insights into the UK business environment, allowing me to showcase my talents, knowledge and experiences as a finance professional while upholding a strong work ethic.

Tell us about what you are doing now.

I am proud to say that my academic knowledge, professionalism, and critical thinking and problem-solving skills were consistently valued by the team at Goodwill Healthcare Services Limited. As a result, they recognised me as an asset to the team, offering me the role of Chief Financial Officer after the internship, which I am currently working in.

What are your ambitions for the future?

In the coming years, my aspirations revolve around continual growth, both personally and professionally. I want to contribute meaningfully to the world around me, be it through my career, creative endeavours, or community engagement.

Professionally, I strive to excel in the field of finance, continually expanding my knowledge and honing my skills to become a trusted expert in my field. Additionally, I am committed to fostering positive change and making a tangible difference in the lives of others, whether through mentorship, advocacy, or philanthropy.

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