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Equal pay audit 2023

Teesside University is an equal pay employer.

The University supports equal pay for work of equal value and respect for the individual differences that make up our workforce. An equal pay audit is a tool to ensure that everyone is afforded equal opportunity and is treated with equal value. This has been a legal requirement and the University fully supports this principle.

Different gender Teesside University staff

Specifically, an equal pay audit is an examination of pay data to determine if all employees are being paid fairly or whether some groups are being treated more favourably than others. After taking account of variables like job role, part-time status and length of service, a comparison is then made between the pay packages belonging to employees from different groups.

At Teesside we are proud of the fact that our lowest paid employees are in receipt of the Voluntary Living Wage, in contrast to the lower national minimum wage. We are committed to retaining an in-house manual workforce and continuing to pay them the Voluntary Living Wage, and consequently ensuring that those fulfilling such roles receive a fair wage for their work.

We continually develop our management information in relation to staff, this has included undertaking equal pay audits. The information and audits have included a range of data that enables the University to identify protected characteristics in relation to categories concerning staff (such as age groups, contract types, grade levels) alongside comparisons for ethnicity, disability and gender.

The University continually monitors equal pay as a separate overarching approach to ensure that it continues to meet the requirements of the Equal Pay Act. The audit gives greater granularity to different pay bands and the variances within each, noting that these variances are more likely to be a result of an individual's length of service, as staff joining the University will usually start at the bottom of their appointed grade and then progress up the scale on an annual basis.

Key headlines from the Equal Pay Audit 2023 are shown below:

  • Gender: The overall female/male gender split variance stands at -15.6%. The largest variance between gender in terms of contract types is -22% within senior management including the University Executive Team (UET). This is a decrease from 4% from 2022. The smallest variance is 0%, which is between genders with a senior professional and technical contract.
  • Ethnic minority staff: The ethnic minority/non-ethnic minority variance is positive at 2.6%; and in terms contract type it is -20.2% within senior management, including UET. The smallest variance is -0.7%, which is between people from ethnic minority backgrounds/not from ethnic minority backgrounds from technical and professional.
  • Disability: The disability/non disability variance is -9.3% between disabled and non-disabled staff. The largest variance between disabled/not disabled in terms contract type is -29.5% within senior management, including UET. The smallest variance is 0.3%, which is between disabled/not disabled with a professional contract.
  • Full time/part time comparison: The overall variance, regardless of gender between full time/part time contracts is 33.6%, where the average full-time salary is £42,786.72, and the average part-time salary is £32,018.41.

Full details from the Equality Pay Audit are shown below. To protect the identity of individual members of staff data has been removed where the staff represented in that group is less than five. In relation to gender further details are included in the separate Gender Pay Gap report published March 2023.


Contract type Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Female Male
Administrative and clerical 563 £29,217.09 171 £29,984.22 734 £29,395.81 -2.6%
Graduate tutor 1 £28,929.00 1 £28,131.00 2 £28,530.00 2.8%
Manual 144 £21,399.25 28 £23,740.39 172 £21,780.37 -9.9%
Professorial 12 £79,723.00 21 £80,106.00 33 £79,966.73 -0.5%
Research 36 £35,797.31 31 £36,672.32 67 £36,202.16 -2.4%
Security 3 £26,119.67 20 £25,062.05 23 £25,200.00 4.2%
Senior academic 16 £75,747.88 18 £77,299.44 34 £76,569.29 -2.0%
Senior management including UET 98 £50,774.15 78 £50,784.77 176 £50,778.86 0.0%
Senior professional and technical 321 £47,929.29 333 £48,160.62 654 £48,047.07 -0.5%
Teaching 46 £32,012.28 113 £34,362.65 159 £33,682.67 -6.8%
Technical 46 £32,012.28 113 £34,362.65 159 £33,682.67 -6.8%
Total 1272 £37,522.54 840 £44,438.24 2112 £40,273.10 -15.6%

Full time/part time

Contract type Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Full time Part time
Administrative and clerical 530 £29,825.56 204 £28,279.29 734 £29,395.81 5.5%
Graduate tutor 2 £28,530.00     2 £28,530.00  
Manual 42 £23,357.10 130 £21,270.96 172 £21,780.37 9.8%
Professorial 30 £79,991.10 3 £79,723.00 33 £79,966.73 0.3%
Research 43 £36,182.72 24 £36,237.00 67 £36,202.16 -0.1%
Security 21 £25,246.19 2 £24,715.00 23 £25,200.00 2.1%
Senior academic 33 £76,432.67 1 £81,078.00 34 £76,569.29 -5.7%
Senior management including UET 56 £99,065.00 2 £83,263.00 58 £98,520.10 19.0%
Senior professional and technical 150 £50,924.59 26 £49,938.08 176 £50,778.86 2.0%
Teaching 580 £47,844.18 74 £49,637.31 654 £48,047.07 -3.6%
Technical 132 £33,955.38 27 £32,349.44 159 £33,682.67 5.0%
Total 1619 £42,786.72 493 £32,018.41 2112 £40,273.10 -33.6%

Ethnic minority

Contract type Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Variance (EM vs Not-EM)
Ethnic minority Not ethnic minority Not known
Administrative and clerical 47 £26,650.60 680 £29,593.68 7 £28,929.00 734 -9.9%
Graduate tutor 1 £28,131.00 1 £28,929.00     2 -2.8%
Manual 7 £21,233.00 164 £21,270.96 1   172 -2.6%
Professorial 7 £79,499.57 26 £80,092.50     33 -0.7%
Research 25 £34,808.84 41 £37,097.80 1   67 -6.2%
Security     23 £25,200.00     23  
Senior academic 1 £69,818.00 33 £76,773.88     34 -9.1%
Senior management including UET 2 £79,345.50 55 £99,384.98 1   58 -20.2%
Senior professional and technical 9 £52,167.56 167 £50,704.02     176 2.9%
Teaching 183 £44,949.75 458 £49,481.00 13   654 -9.2%
Technical 22 £33,466.27 137 £33,717.42     159 -0.7%
Total 304 £41,171.51 1785 £40,146.15 23 £38,250.57 2112 2.6%


Contract type Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Variance (disabled vs not disabled)
Disabled Not disabled Not known
Administrative and clerical 69 £29,936.65 665 £29,339.69     734 2.0%
Graduate tutor     2 £28,530.00     2  
Manual 11 £21,236.00 161 £21,817.56     172 -2.7%
Professorial 1 £79,723.00 32 £79,974.34     33 -0.3%
Research 3 £35,501.33 64 £36,235.02     67 -2.0%
Security 2 £24,715.00 21 £25,246.19     23 -2.1%
Senior academic     34 £76,569.29     34  
Senior management including UET 1 £69,818.00 57 £99,023.65     58 -29.5%
Senior professional and technical 12 £49,933.00 164 £50,840.75     176 -1.8%
Teaching 31 £51,053.26 623 £47,897.49     654 6.6%
Technical 12 £35,898.58 147 £33,501.78     159 7.2%
Total 142 £36,741.76 1970 £40,527.64     2112 -9.3%

Age band

Age band Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Female Male
<21     2 £22,889.50 2 £22,889.50  
21-30 153 £29,030.82 89 £30,358.22 242 £29,519.00 -4.4%
31-40 329 £36,012.85 234 £40,641.02 563 £37,936.46 -11.4%
41-50 342 £41,406.42 252 £47,136.59 594 £43,837.40 -12.2%
51-60 329 £40,619.16 210 £51,198.60 539 £44,741.02 -20.7%
>60 119 £32,890.94 53 £46,043.98 172 £36,943.91 -28.6%
Total 1272 £37,522.54 840 £44,438.24 2112 £40,273.10 -15.6%

School professionals and senior management

Contract type Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Female Male
Senior management including UET 9 £87,209.67 3 £91,184.33 12 £88,203.33 -4.4%
Senior professional and technical 8 £53,539.13 12 £49,877.17 20 £51,341.95 7.3%
Total 17 £71,364.71 15 £58,138.60 32 £65,164.97 22.7%

Department professionals and senior management

Contract type Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Female Male
Senior management including UET 23 £87,595.70 23 £114,827.17 46 £101,211.43 -23.7%
Senior professional and technical 90 £50,528.38 66 £50,949.79 156 £50,706.67 -0.8%
Total 113 £58,073.05 89 £67,457.43 202 £62,207.75 -13.9%

Academic/teaching professionals

Grade Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Female Male
Grade 5 1 £28,929.00 1 £28,131.00 2 £28,530.00 2.8%
Grade 7 105 £38,520.60 92 £38,606.54 197 £38,560.74 -0.2%
Grade 7-8a-8b 96 £53,018.32 109 £53,477.74 205 £53,262.60 -0.9%
Grade 8ab 72 £45,869.06 86 £44,318.65 158 £45,025.16 3.5%
Grade 9 49 £61,494.96 45 £61,489.91 94 £61,492.54 0.0%
Professor 12 £79,723.00 23 £80,043.96 35 £79,933.91 -0.4%
Senior academic 10 £74,322.00 12 £75,447.92 22 £74,936.14 -1.5%
Total 272 £49,794.41 281 £50,907.18 553 £50,368.74 -2.2%

Support staff

Contract type Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Female Male
Administrative and clerical 563 £29,217.09 171 £29,984.22 734 £29,395.81 -2.6%
Manual 144 £21,399.25 28 £23,740.39 172 £21,780.37 -9.9%
Security 3 £26,119.67 20 £25,062.05 23 £25,200.00 4.2%
Technical 46 £32,012.28 113 £34,362.65 159 £33,682.67 -6.8%
Total 756 £27,885.76 332 £30,651.36 1088 £28,729.68 -9.0%

Research staff

Contract type Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Female Male
Research 36 £35,797.31 31 £36,672.32 67 £36,202.16 -2.4%
Total 36 £35,797.31 31 £36,672.32 67 £36,202.16 -2.4%

Gender by grade

Grade Total Average salary Total Average salary Total Total average salary Variance
Female Male
Grade 1 112 £21,222.35 10 £21,225.90 122 £21,222.64 0.0%
Grade 2 21 £21,297.19 2 £21,299.00 23 £21,297.35 0.0%
Grade 2-3 57 £22,060.63 18 £21,768.61 75 £21,990.55 1.3%
Grade 3 9 £22,107.00     9 £22,107.00  
Grade 4 136 £24,004.79 65 £24,057.92 201 £24,021.98 -0.2%
Grade 4-5 4 £24,703.50 2 £23,507.50 6 £24,304.83 5.1%
Grade 5 159 £27,382.91 72 £27,430.44 231 £27,397.73 -0.2%
Grade 6 133 £32,233.11 66 £32,896.91 199 £32,453.27 -2.0%
Grade 6-7 26 £34,353.00 21 £33,713.19 47 £34,067.13 1.9%
Grade 7 224 £38,414.46 184 £38,724.93 408 £38,554.48 -0.8%
Grade 7-8a-8b 96 £53,018.32 109 £53,477.74 205 £53,262.60 -0.9%
Grade 8a 51 £45,162.71 33 £44,888.15 84 £45,054.85 0.6%
Grade 8ab 84 £46,294.89 90 £44,656.46 174 £45,447.43 3.7%
Grade 8b 20 £51,870.35 34 £51,826.76 54 £51,842.91 0.1%
Grade 9 74 £61,109.34 61 £61,073.05 135 £61,092.94 0.1%
Professor 12 £79,723.00 23 £80,043.96 35 £79,933.91 -0.4%
Senior academic 10 £74,322.00 12 £75,447.92 22 £74,936.14 -1.5%
Senior management 37 £86,578.05 26 £93,273.65 63 £89,341.32 -7.2%
VCE     5 £178,970.60 5 £178,970.60  
Total 1265 £37,522.54 833 £44,438.24 2112 £40,273.10 -15.6%

Note: There are some senior academics on the senior management grade

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