If you are currently working on pedagogic research or learning and teaching projects please reach out to CeLTIE. Information on recent learning and teaching projects will be posted here and it would be great to showcase your work.
Project completed: October 2024
Teesside University (project lead), Anglia Ruskin University, University of Greenwich, Birmingham City University
This project examined a range of practice innovations in multimodal digital education, resulting in the co-creation of cross-institutional principles and interactive resources that model future-facing learning, teaching, and assessment.
Project completed: August 2022
Teesside University (lead), Oxford Brookes University, Greenwich University, University of Hertfordshire, University of Brighton, University of West of England, Kingston University, and Birmingham City University.
This QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project, informed by a collaborative analysis of the impact of alternative assessment methodologies and associated regulations introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, led to the development of a set of Inclusive Assessment Design Attributes and complementary materials for use across the higher education sector.
Project completed: November 2023
Teesside University (lead), Oxford Brookes University, Greenwich University, University of Hertfordshire, University of Brighton, University of West of England, Kingston University, and Birmingham City University.
This research project which was completed in 2023 by researchers from 7 higher education institutions, to understand how (and if) inclusive assessment policies and practices across these institutions which were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic could be successfully implemented in a post-pandemic world. The project is a continuation of the work carried out in a previous QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project in 2021-22 in which all the partners in the current project participated.