Research and innovation
North-East based Tapered Plus, is an independent roof design company, specialising in tapered insulation for flat roofs.
Tapered Plus developed a state-of-the-art app which customers can use to specify roof requirements. The app ensures that customers receive exactly the right specification for their needs, making the design process much more efficient. Tapered Plus liaised with us to see what business support was available to save money on their cutting-edge innovation.
We advised Tapered Plus that they could access Research and Development (R&D) tax credits through their work on the app. With the help of accountancy firm Clive Owen LLP, Innovate Tees Valley Project Manager Suhail Aslam was able to assist Tapered Plus to recoup two-thirds of the cost of the development of the app.
Tapered Plus is continuing to work with the University to reclaim tax credits as it develops the app further and is based on Stockton’s Northshore at Fusion Hive, a business and innovation centre operated by Teesside University.
This project is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), managed by the Department for Communities and Local Government, securing £300m investment.
The project will make a major contribution to the ambition of the ERDF Competitive Programme 2007-13 and by increasing the numbers and survival of business start ups in the region and increasing business productivity.